
Product selection: How to choose the cam lock scientifically?

Nowadays, in the state that the lock market is close to saturation, it is even more difficult for no matter which industry or brand to monopolize the market. After talking with many end consumers and clients, we learned that they liked to shop around habitually when They bought the most popular cam locks. In particular, in the face of many lock brands, customers are dazzled, have no way to start selection, and sometimes sigh that they have difficulty in choosing. Committed to the development, production...

Is the notebook computer laptop security lock a chicken rib?

Is the laptop lock a chicken rib? This is the biggest misunderstanding of it. Since the birth of the notebook computer, it has its own security keyhole, but it seems that few people use it. Therefore, when it comes to laptop locks, everyone thinks it is very tasteless. But don't you think it is too arbitrary that you say the laptop security locks are like chicken ribs just because you don't use it often? Hegel's "what exists is reasonable" is by no means unreasonable....

Creation Aesthetics of Make Office Furniture Locks

Mr. Zhu guangqian, a master of aesthetics, once said, "What is called beauty? Beauty is not only in things, but also in the heart. It is in the relationship between things and the heart. Everything must be created by heart." Especially various locks that are close to the life, infused with the artistic design inspiration, which is not a problem to promote the living or working environment. The office furniture lock of Make Security Technology is adhering to the design concept of detail,...

Game machine locks, game console locks for game machine security

The game machine is making a comeback, driving the game machine locks to sell well all over the world. In recent years, the corners of public places such as shopping malls, food courts, and movie theaters have been re-occupied by a group of colorful and cute machines. Yes, it is a game machine for men and women. The game machine, including the doll machine, has made a comeback as the memory of childhood. And this momentum suddenly stirred up the small heart of the game machine lock industry. Since...

Cabinet Security Lock will protect your cabinet

As we all know, medium and large enterprises, subway stations, railway stations, airports, and even communication base stations have a secret base - network machine room. The machine room is equivalent to the central part of the human brain. It is very important. Its internal equipment has the characteristics of "three highs" that is, high precision, high value, and high risk. In general, the machine room is a place of strategic importance and authorized personnel only  can have access...

Triangular Locks Have a High Profile in the Lock Industry

Among all the industrial locks, as they have impressive advantages, triangular locks win "the Iron Throne". So how they defend this title? In this article, we will cast light upon the appearance and structure, performance and applications of triangular locks. It is generally known that triangles are the most stable shape in construction. Compared with four-corner locks and hexagonal locks, triangular locks are more stable when keys are used to rotate the locks to lock or unlock doors....

Fingerprint Locker Locks Come to Light to Meet Increasing Consumer Demand

According to Statista (a German online portal for statistics), it is predicted that the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of the smart home market in China is about 45.3% during 2018-2022. In 2022, the market size is anticipated to reach 162.7 billion yuan, and the market penetration rate will increase to 21.2% from 3.3% in 2017. China is expected to become the largest smart home market in Asia, taking the lead in the industry. As the indispensable device for smart homes, fingerprint locker locks...

How do Tubular Cam Locks Work to Ensure Security?

Nowadays, tubular cam locks boast extensive industrial and commercial applications. With keys, they rotate to latch or unlatch a door by virtue of their internal structure. Though the operating principle is relatively simple, the safety performance of tubular locks is no less excellent as other types of locks. So far, tubular cam locks feature pin tumbler mechanism with 2 standards, one containing a maximum of 7 copper pins and the other a maximum of 10, for which thousands of types of keys can...

Smart Locks are Embracing a Golden Age

Surveys show that, the smart and electronic lock industry in China has experienced booming growth since 2008, with many smart lock enterprises sprout up across the nation. Despite the fact that the housing bubble is beginning to burst, which means real estate market may crash, there is an increasing demand for smart building equipment in the domestic market. The gross output of the smart lock industry has reached 10 billion yuan, which demonstrates that the industry has ushered in its golden age....

Child safety window locks, not only the peace of mind

The window is an indispensable component of the building. It is a space division tool that integrates functions such as lighting, ventilation, anti-theft, viewing and decoration. However, windows that are widely installed in modern residential buildings have become one of the hidden dangers to children's safety. So how do you solve such security risks? In order to solve such security risks, people have installed anti-theft nets, but the drawbacks of the anti-theft net are also obvious. In the...